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Fresh produce is procured through our associate company KEN AGRITECH which has wide experience in agri-operations. The agri-team consists of senior agronomists, pathologists and a technical field team.
Hubli region is blessed with different agro climatic zones making year round production a possibility. We strive to ensure that our farmers are located away from Industrial pollutants with access to clean water and the most suitable soils top quality or premium quality and vegetables.

Together with our associates we have thirteen years experience and a proven track record in contract farming and over this period we have gained many advantages with what is today a large and stable bank of small and marginal local farmers.  Whilst ensuring quality in our raw materials and food safety, it is also important to us that we maintain fair and best practice with our contract farmers.

These farmers are required to operate according to a set of standards laid down by Tropicool. Utmost care is taken to ensure that only approved pesticides are used for plant protection and farmers are encouraged to use organic fertilisers and pesticides wherever possible. Freshness of the produce is key at all stages of farming, particularly when it comes to harvesting where every minute counts in transporting raw material from the field to the factory.



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